
Our latest lab photo!

Shaeri's Institute Pasteur Sabbatical with Carmen Buchreiser's lab!

Shaeri's Institute Pasteur Sabbatical with Carla Saleh's lab

Shaeri's talk in front of Marie Curie's table and lecture room with her calculations in the background!

Shaeri at Curie Institute with Marie Curie's radioactivity calculations in the background
Koch Institute, Germany meeting

Ady's exit talk

Ady's exit talk

Ady's exit talk

Lab dinner at Mandalay to celebrate Ady and Varun's paper!

Varun's Ph.D exit talk

Google Photos

Lab Bowling trip 2023

Advait's Nature Cell Biology paper celebration!

QBI-Institute Pasteur Symposium in Paris

Shaeri @ Louis Pasteur's tomb at Institute Pasteur

Dinner to celebrate Advait's best talk award, Shaeri's Bowes award and promotion to professor, Varun and Ady's almost complete paper!

Happy Birthday, Varun!

Shaeri @ Barcelona for CRG talk

Lab at Bay Area Microbial Symposium (BAMPS) 2023!

Wonderful surprise from lab for Shaeri after promotion to Professor

Tom's I-Micro talk

Lab lunch at Marnee Thai

Advait and Shaeri @ Lucca for EMBO ER conference 2022

Advait and Shaeri @ Florence for EMBO ER conference 2022

Steven, Ady and Varun at ASCB 2022!

Varun at ASCB 2022!

Tom at ASCB 2022!

Ady at ASCB 2022!

IF, Tom, and Shaeri

Happy Birthday, Ady!

Lab outing - SF Botanical Garden

Lab outing - SF Botanical Garden

Lab dinner

Tom's Qual's E-Celebration

Tom's Qual's E-Celebration

Shaeri and Tom

Lab photo, Holiday Party 2019
White Elephant gifts

Happy Birthday, Nneji!!

Happy Birthday, Ady!!

Congratulations to Steven (Thesis), Varun and Ady (Quals)!!!

Happy Birthday Hana!

Happy birthday, Julia!
Happy birthday, Elias!

Congratulations, Varun!

Happy birthday Tom!

Congratulations, Ady!

Happy Birthday, Varun!
Stanford Holi 2019

Holi Party at Shaeri's house
Group Hug!

Celebration for Advait's Cell paper and Nneji's PO1 talk!
Testing the Idea Paint Wall

Julia's L.p themed Christmas Gift from the Walter Lab

More Idea Paint Testing!

Lab retreat 2017 -- Half Moon Bay

Walter and Mukherjee Lab celebration

Walter and Mukherjee Lab Celebration

Walter and Mukherjee Lab Celebration
EMBO meeting 2018

EMBO meeting 2018
Inaugural Microbiology and Immunology Faculty Retreat at Aldea Center, Mt. Sutro
Happy Birthday Julia!
Happy Birthday Elias!
Celebrating Holi at Stanford!
Holiday Party 2017
Holiday Party 2017
Holi celebrations with Sophie Dumont and Manu Prakash

Bay Area Microbial Pathogenesis Symposium 2017

Holiday Party 2016

Lab retreat 2016
Becca's Thesis Exit Talk
Lab Outing Giants Game
Celebration for Steven and Nneji's Quals!
Lab photo 2015
Diwali Party 2015
Hooper Faculty Lunch